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Saturday, January 24, 2009

We finished our poster presentation for IEP!!! =) So, no longer need to stay in school do until late night, and can sleep as long as we can!

I'm so tired today, first time slept pass my bus stop... lucky is yishun...

Down with marker research...

Play game!!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I fell today, during Nafa shuttle run, but i passed that. I failed 2.4km (17+++), and standing broad jump.. I had a bad time bathing today. My knees hurt, my hand hurt, and my waist hurt.

I will never forget that experience. And, I was in a whole guy group, so embarrassing.

Went to Punggol today to do the market research (setting up a childcare centre). Staying in Punggol is a good choice, less cars, not crowded, and very nice environment.
Monday, November 24, 2008


I need to make sure I don't get too hungry. Because my head will start to get heavy all day. Haiz...
Just realized that need to hand in so many assignments next week, and NAFA is on next wed, 03/12, 4.15pm. And need to complete all stations at one go... =(

Just starting on the SOP, chose Chicken pox.. because i never had it in my whole 18++ years... haa...

hungry hungry hungry hungry!

I don't like green vegetables!
Friday, October 24, 2008

Went to watch butterflies lovers with friends. I don't think i like it (at least i didn't sleep). And I laugh when it suppose to be sad (er... i think everybody was laughing).
End note= glad that ticket was not $9.50

Brought nothing, so today's trip=$6/-

I want to swim!
Saturday, October 04, 2008

Sis and I made chocolate cookies last Saturday... Here are the steps...

Stir the butter

Add cocoa to the flour

Ta dum!!

Add everything together and stir till it turn...


Add sugar and stir

wait a while for sugar to 'melt'..

Set into tray and ready for baking!
3 box full...

My table...

My Doraemons...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Yesterday was my last day of work instead of next week. This is because my manager ask me to leave early... because of this this this... (not that i'm fired) So, I'm going to sleep late and wake up late from today onwards.. YEAH!

YESTERDAY, traffic jam. As a result, i was late for an hour. But i still wrote 8.30 in my time sheet.
BREAK TIME, 2 hours!! walk from tanjong pager to chinatown with my friend. (saw huifen at the don't know what hawker centre.)

earn lots and spend much... I'm not going to buy another piece of clothes or accessories or expensive dinning or whatever that i won't need it for the time being.

LAST EXPENSES, slippers which I have yet to get one.
Friday, September 12, 2008

Tonight, went to celebrate mid autumn with childcare. I'm very tired, especially after 1 hour of MRT and LRT ride. This is because I can't sleep! Anyway, the things was quite fun, and the children are still cute. =D

3 more weeks before I quit!! and 3 more days to exam results... and 2 more days to carry lantern, and 1 more day (tomorrow) to sing song!! =D