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Friday, December 28, 2007

My candy milk bottle which I brought from John little last week. I thought I could use it for childcare in the future. As shakers or bells or decoration... =)

Bro had an accident on Christmas... His hands and left foot had been bandaged up. Some of his skin were gone!! but new ones will be growing back, so don worry. Anyway, I have to be his 'assistance' for don't know how many days. Like feeding meals, brushing teeth, taking this and that, etc... What a good sister I am...

Saturday watching movie!! yeah!! and eating good food!! yeah!!! and going to be 18!! yeah!!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007

TODAY, i did a lot of work!! science lesson plan evaluation, and DPIP photos... oh, so i only did two things, but took me one about 4 hours... shall continue tomorrow.
Things to do,
  1. Christmas presents
  2. assignments.
If i were to spell all my task, it will not be just two... i'm just too lazy to think.
My self-made puzzle

I can't believe I can produce such quality work. Er, it not that good la, a few holes in between some of the pieces. Manage to complete it last night. =D so proud!! But I should have paste the construction papers before cutting... It would be nicer, I reckon...
Monday, December 17, 2007

I like this song, <张惠妹 - 我无所谓>!!
天天都有落叶 特别是今夜
当沙沙的风吹 每一片叶 掉一滴泪
夜夜有人心碎 他们相信谁
当爱被解了约 作何感觉
莫非无尤也无悔 依旧痴痴收藏落叶
傻的心 傻到哭也流不出泪
我无所谓 我冷若冰 淡若水
我不为梦留一点空 侵掠我紧闭心扉
我愿是风中 飘然轻落的叶
我无所谓 我伤过心 掉过泪
当世界被感情蒙上一曾灰 而我
天天都有落叶 特别是今夜
当沙沙的风吹 每一片叶 掉一滴泪
夜夜有人心碎 他们相信谁
当爱被解了约 作何感觉
莫非无尤也无悔 依旧痴痴收藏落叶
傻的心 傻到哭也流不出泪
我无所谓 我冷若冰 淡若水
我不为梦留一点空 侵掠我紧闭心扉
我愿是风中 飘然轻落的叶
我无所谓 我伤过心 掉过泪
当世界被感情蒙上一曾灰 而我
我无所谓 我伤过心 掉过泪
当世界被感情蒙上一曾灰 而我

Saturday, December 15, 2007

We went to Botanic Garden today. Meet at Bp interchange at 7am for breakfast... In the end, everyone's late.. But, we were early after all, reach Botanic Garden at 8.40am!! =) We took lots and lots of photos. And speaking of that, I realized that my I had used up 330MB of my handphone's memory card. And it's very very lack, it even hang up just now when I want to transfer all the 185 photos to my laptop... ( haha, that for sure...) Ok, so everything is in the laptop now and after transferring all the photos, videos and songs (maybe), I going to burn it into a CD, just in case my laptop crush again (touch wood).
I don't like my hair now, it looks big and messy... I want to cut but I'm afraid it's uglier because of my 'unrebonded' hair. So I guess I just have to tie it up.
Friday, December 14, 2007

Stomach ache!! Backache!! Why!!!

Ast test: i scored a C+, when most of them got Bs and As. Thus, we have to go for remedial lesson on Mon... Never mind, I'm not the only one... =)
During break, went to eat alumni, not very nice. went back to block and play... haha, laptop. We took 42 photos all together, each depicting different scenes. so cute...
tomorrow going botanical garden with C class and D class.. And I have to wake up at 6.20am, den leave at 6.55 to have breakfast with BZ and Andrey... can I wake up?? yes, I can!!
My early birthday present from BZ they all, guess what? A bag!!! I didn't really expects them to buy, because I really intended to buy it myself
(ok, I still want to buy it myself), even though I said it many many times to them Anyway, thanks guys!!
Saturday, December 08, 2007

Educating Peter is on youtube... go watch it, very touhing...

Spent whole afternoon doing the flash movie... And I did it!! Yeah!!! But my personal portfolio is not up yet...IT is driving me crazy. Why do we have to learn all this flash, dreamweaver and Photoshop when I'm not using it in the future (well, maybe...). Anyway, it's fun doing it.... sometimes.
Today, I caused my sis ATM card to be retain by the machine, because I thought it was mine and thus, I kept keying in my pin number... And, she kept nagging at me... then, she said she's don't want to eat. I know it's my fault but don't nag ma... I'll already said I will give her money first (I did, $150 gone) but she just goes on and on... Haiz, good that she went home first...
Monday, December 03, 2007

okok, so my FP assessment change to 9 to 10 instead of 10 to 11. Felt so bad, I think like I cause her a lot of trouble. Anyway, I got to prepare well for it. I DON"T WANT TO FAIL!!! Last week lesson was disaster. Nobody listen to me, talking loudly, going to toilet and I think I let out all my anger... which I can't for this coming wed.... JIA YOU BA!!