Incy wincy spider climb up the water spout
My hair is getting longer and longer as day pass...(of course!) I think I can finally tied it up without looking like an aunty. =) yeah!
Handed up math assignment yesterday. Everything seems so wonderful now... Although I still have to rush on my lesson plans (2 more to go). My next lesson plan I'm asking those children to do spider using paper as the body and straw as their legs. I hope it would be a success. My friend said better not to use paint because they would make a mess out of it. Well, I doing paint next 2 weeks! ok, prepare for the unexpected!

My class, 2C01...(CDev2.1 tutorial)
work hard=bad headache
I finished my lesson plan 1. I thought about what to do for the next two lesson plan for like 2 hours? Well, nothing came out just bad headache. My brain is weird, when I decided not to think and care about it, ideas just pops out. So, morale of the story, relax and stop stressing yourself! =p
Math assignments is real tough for me. I think I had completed it but seems some of my points are not link. I going to review it next week as my headache is causing such a pain (I'll been working on these two assignments since 10.30am).
Teacher yunping, haiz... must buck up!
I think I made my mentor very angry and frustrated today. Okay, I can't manage a class . I mean kids don't listen and they kept talking, talking and talking. How I miss those Healthy Start's kids... Is it me or them? Haiz, I think I should think what should I do next time, plan ahead... And I almost lose my voice because of all those shouting. Well, I didn't really shout, just raise my voice a little... =P
The theme for my lesson plan is body part. My mentor said my activities is okay. She suggested that I should think play with paints for the next two lesson plan. Well then...
Anyway, we had lots of fun during Cdev 2.1 tutorial. We played games with our toys. I brought my winnie the pooh... Haha, big head pooh... At the end of the lesson, we took class photos and left the class... Then, Wai Han and I went to photocopy the parent letters. (60 pieces for $2.10!) So cheap!!!
Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea, he swim so wild & he swim so free...
I had spent $300++ last month. I know I spent a lot but didn't think that it's that much. Let me see, bus fare, food, shoes and tidbits. Really got to save up this month. Anyway, I just got my pocket money after so many months. Well, I ask mum and surprising, she gave $$ to me. So happy. but it's not much... -_- My aim for this month, less than $200... So far, I had spent on bus fare ($52) and took out $30. In total, $82 gone. Therefore,$178 to go. gambetek!
I borrowed 3 books from AMK library today. It's all about children... Hahaha... for projects. I thought of doing it today, but nah, impossible. I'm so lazy.
Children are so simple, you just talk to them and they will love you.
Today is my first day in a brand new childcare. I thought I was going to be late. Luckily, I reach on time. Okay, this childcare is completely different from the previous center. Different in total strength, sizes, settings, curriculum, songs. Basically, it's everything. Their circle time was like er, so boring to me? They sang two songs, both were slow and bored. ( to me again.) They were then separated into Chinese and English class. I was surprised when 2 non-chinese children was put into the Chinese class. But, my other friend said is common. I still think it's not good. Okay, if the teacher talk to the, or get them involved in dancing, maybe is fine. But, she did nothing at all. Just carry on with her lesson. Okay, I just don't like her. The kids were fine. I love those kids! Especially those cute ones! Still trying hard to memories all their names.