Saturday, December 30, 2006
A very memorable 17th birthday I had yesterday. Because of the good and the bad. Felt so stupid last night. shouldn not had done that. anyway, I back to normal today. uncle came in the afternoon. REANN IS SUPER CUTE!!! Went to woodlands regional library with sis to collect infor for my project. yes, haven finish.
guys, tuesday is a public holiday right? so no need to go back to school is it? someone please tell me... thanks!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
yeah! Blogger is slow. or my computer is slow. whatever
yesterday was disaster. I took 8 buses in total. 184, 14, 14, 184, 171, 169, 169 and 171. Lucky I got concession. It rain whole day. Elsy didn't come, Lupman didn't come. the only K1 avalible was Jufri. no choice. but he gave me a lot of wonderful things to write. reach home at 12. eat lunch, rest a while, organized my report and out at 2. the wonderful things is at I DID NOT SPEND A SINGLE NOTES OR COINS AT ALL!
Monday, December 25, 2006
We went to my aunt's house in Tampinese. We took 960 to bugis, then from there, we took mrt to simei followed by bus no. 9 to her house. Kind of troublesome. But save us some transport fee. well, the main reason for taking all this trouble was because of me. Since I can take free bus ride.( actually is pre-paid. =P) My sister and I eat first cause we were really hungry. The food was nice but I preferred mum's cooking. BETTER! both of us played Pokemon with Darren which was very bo liao for us but no choice, he's only 7. He had a lot of Pokemon cards and he is forever talking about POKEMON. is this the current IN thing in primary school?
Mum leaves at about 2 because she need to work later. We continue playing and leaves only when everybody reach. Got another $5o for christmas. Of course, more christmas and birthday gifts! my sister wants to go Tampinese interchange to see which bus goes to bugis. In the end, we decide to go Pasir Ris. But, we took the wrong direction and took us all the way to Bedok. So, MRT again, no free ride. Bugis was HORRIBLE! the traffic light area was pack with PEOPLE! (Bugis Junction there) why would SO many PEOPLE go Bugis to shop when it is Christmas? stupid question.
Sister bought me a tortor tissue box and treat me $4.50 dinner. Her budget was $50. e, I'm not that greedy de lo.
Reach home at around 6. Bro came back from aunt's house at 8.45pm. He brought back all the left over food. I wondered why they like to give us all the leftovers? it's good in the sense, free food!!
I'm going to childcare tommorow, 6.30am wake up and 7 leaves. I'm so smelly now, must bath tomorrow morning.
that's all. very long.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
This is my third post for the day. Yes, I have nothing better to do.
okay, I finished my SCV individual assignment, wash my pink bag and pack up my messy table. I did some bo liao stuff to KILL my boredom. I watched bro playing his newly downloaded game, san guo. It's cute and stupid. I'm using my laptop now. It's not so laggy compared to last time. Partly because I remove all the virus that were eating up my laptop speed. I want a better one! But I can't afford it.
I'm going to healthy start on Tuesday instead. tomorrow there's someone coming, Monday is Christmas. Haiz, I hope Elsy come on Tuesday, or else I'll take Lupman. Pray!!!
I'll called Healthy start just now. She said she will get back to me, but haven't yet! I want to complete my observation on Elsy by tommorow, my cute cute little girl. She very quiet, just like me, that's why I chose her. very challenging to record her actions.
Today I'm at home again. I think I'll just finish up my SCV. So bored!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I did a BIG BIG mistakes. I shouldn't had lied to her. In fact, just tell her the truth and everything would be fine. Although she would be very mad and maybe scold me, this is 100% better than letting her found out by herself. Now, I have to clear the mess that I had make. I had thought of burying the truth, but if she ever ever dig it out, I would be dead, dead, dead. Can't live without guilt for the rest of my life ( exaggerating, not really that bad).
My first birthday gift by aunt. A $100 note and a keychain. I had already spent about $50 on food. Haha!
Friday, December 15, 2006

We were in SCV classroom 06-02 on tuesday. Can you find me? =D
Nothing special happened today. slept until 8.30am this morning. Brother go to school at around 9.15am. Mama came back from market 10 minutes later. She left for woodlands to do X-ray. I leave for school at 1.25pm. enter the lift and intervene a couple. so pai seh. reach home at around 5.30pm. Cook for the whole family (porridage).
Thursday, December 14, 2006
I don't know what to do! Can she give up on me?
Friday, December 08, 2006
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - href=>Video Sharing - href=>Share Photosthursday, at plaza singupura. this whole show was so cute... too bad I can't heard what they say over the video.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Went to childcare in the morning. got to read 3 stories to shafika. I'm so happy she is not distress or ran away because the book she chose were really long...I'm so proud of myself!
Meet boy boy at ochard and walk walk walk to dobby ghaut for the cathay. then take MRT to AMK and take taxi home. the taxi fare was super expensive, $11! I thought I said the shortest route? I said PIE he ask me which, how I suppose to know? anyway, I think he don't know the shortest route because the cheapest I took was $9.70, I think.
We need to do 3 project tomorrow, CS, CHN and stupid MYC mel assignment. Haiz, hope we can finish everything.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
went to school for big book project. colouring, painting, drawing and making the room very very messy. still, we are no where near.
I'm sleeping late today to finish up my part. WE WILL SURVIVE!