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Monday, July 31, 2006

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false, and the false with the true.

He really looks likes my primary school classmate... The different is just the height and voice. Anyway, I hope that he is not becaues it remind me of the painful things he had said to me. ( not pain now.)
went for piano today. I am so blur. I can't read notes at a glance (normal for beginngers) and I don't even know twinkle twinkle little stars. Need to buck up...
Brought sushi for my 2nd dinner ( had the lst at about 4.40) and cost me $2.90... I should save money from today onward, been spending a lot since last month =p
Thursday, July 27, 2006

5 happy memories 5 unhappy memories
5 unhappy memories

I'm feel so small now because others blog are so long and nice. Maybe should change this layout... I didn't went to childcare as I completed the 10 session! relived and sad... miss those kids (Alvin, elyis, Amirul, Lupman.....)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

After I swallowed 2 pills (panadol), I felt nothing,meaning it doesn't work. But I felt okay when I woke up in the middle of the morning, around 5. Just 1 problem, my throat was worse. It's so pain to swallow but I still can talk. I am still feeling dizzy today. Usually, the dizziness will only last for a day but it has been for 3 days!!! I starting to worry if this will last forever... haha!!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I had a bad headache today. well, it's not really that bad, but just because of it, I can't concentrate well. I mean today I was compleatly in dazed. So, went home at about 1.30pm. Yes I skip IT cause you know why...
I don't know how I get to know all this two china people. I mean they suddenly add me in MSN and write like they are my friends. Did I sigh up anything in internet recently, no.... anyway, I deleted them since I don't know them... haha
Saturday, July 22, 2006

I missed fullmetal alchemist again because I gone shopping with mum and sis... And mun and sis had a quarral about what to eat. Mum says foodcourt and sis wants japanese buffet. sigh, they are always agueing about what to eat and in the end, everyone would be so sad.
I went home early cause they want to go health exhibition. I'm so blur. I only remember that I did not bring the keys when I'm in the lift. So, I have to wait for about an hour for them to come back.
Bro went to Thailand and will be back on Tuesday. That's a good use cause I can use the com, don't need to buy his dinner and no irritation!! Haha!!
Friday, July 14, 2006

I'm done and hand up our group cognitive project. Yeah! This project was really crazy. We did some discussion on wesnesday and completed most of it. I did my anecdotal record on thurs until like 12am.... Then go on to improve and add more things in the group part. finished everything at 2 and the PC hung. I was like 'OMG' I don't want to redo!!! Luckily it's 'moving on' again. then went to wash my bag and finish my reflections. I went to bed at 3?? Haha!! I think most of my classmates did Last min work cause everyone is online and busy. Haha...
Today PE was so boring, we were told to play outselves. Because we were so 'good', everyone stop and chit-chat. Brought a necklace st school today, $19.90. ya, expensive but nice, =p
Saturday, July 08, 2006

I still have IT project, anedocal record, housing communities and music project to do. The music instrument I made is done. And I think is nice, =P. Maybe post it here once i got my memory card sorted.
I wanted to go to causeway today, but on second thought, I don't think they can repair the card rather they will replace which is impossible cause the hello shop guy already said it's a free gift. So, no warranty for that.
Tuesday is practical test which I totally think I would flunk it. I mean, it's on Access which i'm never use it before and futhermore, I did not really listen to what she say during the most impt lesson. Because most of us, including me were rushing on our projects and some were playing online games, including me. but lucky it's open book...
Thursday, July 06, 2006

My family is having bad luck now. That's what happens, my tower fan's spoilt, mum's fan spoilt, our doorbell's spoilt, our digital camera spoilt and my handphone memory's spoilt. The last one is the worse, because of that, I had to redo my anedocal record!!! That means I only had 1 patheic day to finish it (fri due date). So, what's next? The TV or the PC?