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Friday, March 31, 2006

A boy doesn't have to go to war to be a hero; he can say he doesn't like pie when he sees there isn't enough to go around.

I went to fajar to for check-up. And it is my first time stepping in fajar shopping centre after living for about 5 years in BP. The doctor measure my ht and weight, eyesight, blood pressure and have blood test for hep B. Then, I went to jurong for X-ray today. I didn't know that you need to remove your tops. Quite shock cause sis say don't need to remove anything. I heard that in yishun, you need to remove everything and it is in front of the doctor! I'm not sure if it is true. =p

All the poly documents is being fill up and sending it soon. Going for orientation on 21'th April and not going for camp.
Currently reading 'The Little Prince'.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

A boy doesn't have to go to war to be a hero; he can say he doesn't like pie when he sees there isn't enough to go around

ok, i not happy now. i don't know why. suddenly felt that everything is so bad for me!!
kind of stupid, i'm not happy partly because of game. shouldn't even on the computer in the first place. the other thing is i don't know.... P** ba. and tell you, this time i'm *** so much... don't know why.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Everybody loves a hero. People line up for them, cheer them, scream their names. And, years later tell how they stood for hours in the cold rain just to catch a glimpse of the one who taught them to hold on a second longer. I believe there's a hero in all of us who keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams. Spider-man 2

I like the book "the murder of the pink elephant!

I had finished this book, princess diaries which my mum borrowed it from her bookshop. Ok, quite engaging bit i thnk i won't be read the next one. Now, she borrowed another one, is called the murder of the pink elephant, a novel. well, looking at the title, i thought is about saving elephant. but when i read the summary, is about teenage people making music and so on. i don't really read adult novel cause the words are small and the english are super good!! ( should be my engilsh is bad.)
yah, i need to correct my last post, i don't think i always put my complaints in blogger. in fact, i think i don't have that much complaints about life. ha!
blogging is getting more and more boring to me.... (i mean now)
Sunday, March 19, 2006

I can't resist this any more longer. I need to blog!! Yes, I have not been blogging for like 5 days. Reason 1; someone using, reason 2; lazy to type, reason 3; I need to give the computer a break.( save energy.) Please don't be mistaken that I have nothing to write about. I do have lots of complaints, trips, recent happening to fill my blog. Is just like I say, I am just to lazy to even switch on the PC. futhermore, I allow myself to use PC only on weekends. But I broke that little rule because of maplestory. Well, I'm just seriously addicted to it. But using PC on weekdays to blog is fine with me.
I also notices 1 thing, I can't put all my unhappiness here now. In fact, I kept a personal journal with me to keep track of my feeling and thoughts. And speaking the truth, what I wrote now there is SUPER rude. But who cares! I'm the only one reading. Haha!!
list of things to do before school starts: shed at least 1kg.
read more book.
clean my table.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

13/03/2006, Monday, 7.15pm to 8.00pm- a day to be remembered (only me). i attempt to make pastry cream and i did it! it's the first in my cooking history that i succeeded. (although it turn out to be custard) But it is very sweet and i don't know what to use for... mum wanted to throw it away the next morning. I know it is super unhealthy and makes you fat if you eat too much. But it is my effort lei!! maybe at the end, they all would like it? Haha!
today got to go to mcnair road, blk 108 to help sis delivered a letter (very IMPORTANT!) she said it's not safe by post. So i help her out. anyway, she's going to pay for my taxi fare.
Sunday, March 12, 2006

Be gentle and stern to yourself

I'm kind of scared of Maggie mee now. This days, I can't even finish 1 packet of it though I was really famished. Phobia of Maggie mew, sounds weird.
I think I'm addicted to this cartoon called hamtaro. Hey, I can't stop thinking about it. The songs, characters, their voices. Could say that I'm childish. Ha!
I have had help her to buy top up card for 3 times and the total cost for all those cards are $112. Luckily, she did pay me that huge sum of money.( still waiting for $48) and because of that, I got scolding from mum as I help her. Get scolding cause I help my friend. She told others don't want to help her and I'm the only 1. Man. What kind of excuse!! Why can't she get up her feet and buy herself. Maybe her mum don't allow but can send her down right since they both are so free...
Friday, March 03, 2006

The answer is in thy heart. Thee can always hear it, if thee listens for it.”

I got early childhood!! so happy!!! Can't wait to start school!!!! I'm flying now!!!! Yeah!!! Yeah!!!! Yeah!!!